There are many theories about how the Earth and the Moon were formed. They have a huge impact . They vary from a model in which the impactor hits the newly formed Earth with a glancing blow and then…
The study provides new, sharp evidence of early plate tectonics flipping the geomagnetic poles New research analyzing the oldest pieces of rock on the planet at least 3.25 billion years ago adds some…
Magma beneath the long-dormant Mount Edgecumbe volcano in southeast Alaska is moving up through the Earth's crust. According to this research, the Alaska Volcano Observatory was rapidly produced …
Oxygen Levels In Earth's Atmosphere: Fluctuated Wildly Over a Billion Years Ago Oxygen levels in Earth's atmosphere fluctuated wildly over a billion years ago. Researchers say this created co…
Laboratory earthquakes can predict future fault friction An artificial intelligence approach derived from natural language processing like language translation and auto fill for text on your smartpho…
First animals on Earth From Life At The Poles The remarkable survival techniques of polar sea creatures may help clarify whether primitive animals may have evolved on Earth before ancient fossils sug…
An Asteroid a Few Miles Wide That Hit Earth: 66 million years ago wiped out nearly all the dinosaurs and nearly three-quarters of the planet's plant and animal species. An asteroid a few miles wi…
The Western Ghats, also known as the Sahyadri Range, is a mountain range that runs par…
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