First animals on Earth From Life At The Poles
The remarkable survival techniques of polar sea creatures may help clarify whether primitive animals may have evolved on Earth before ancient fossils suggest, according to a new analysis.
Animals now extinct must have lived through many periods of extreme cold and ice the planet has never seen. The study was published in the journal World Amendment Biology.
The fossil record places animal life on Earth at 572-602 million years ago, but the planet has survived an enormous period of time. But molecular studies suggest an earlier origin for the associate in nursing, up to 850 million years ago. This suggests that animals must have survived the impact of several global ice ages after all or giant elements of the Earth were covered by ice (snowball and slushball Earths), larger than those seen since then. If animal life arose before or during this extreme glaciation it may have had lunar surface conditions similar to the advanced marine habitats found on the Antarctic continent and in the Arctic today, and required similar survival methods.
The expansion and contraction of ice sheets during cold and hot periods over countless years has led to the evolution of thousands of unique animal and plant species of Antarctica. A similar point may be true for the evolution of animal life on Earth. Although the polar regions appear to be the most inhospitable environments for life to humans, they are the perfect place to check the past and therefore the potential in the universe to always point towards our planet, similar to the Galilean-like icy moons.
Marine man of science and lead author, Dr Huw Griffiths of the British Antarctic Survey said:
This work, however, highlights how some animals in the polar regions are incredibly adapted to living in and around ice and teach the U.S. much about the evolution and survival of life in the past or perhaps on different planets. .
Whether it's animals that live on the surface of the ice rather than on the ocean floor, sponges that live many kilometers below the thick floating ice shelves. There are organisms or whole communities adapted to measure in water colder than 2°C. Antarctic and arctic life thrive in darkness on food sources that do not require daylight, conditions that kill humans and many different animals. But these cold and icy conditions help drive ocean circulation, transport elements into the ocean depths, and build these sites. Extra is always appropriate."
Floating ice covers nineteen million km of seas around the Antarctic continent and fifteen million km of ocean during winter. The entire world (510 million km²) is believed to have been encased in ice a click thick below the extreme snowball Earth, a total of fifty to sixty million years during the Cryogenian (720 to 635?million years ago). There is some evidence that this ice is thin enough to allow marine algae to survive at the equator.
As during the last glaciation of the Antarctic continent (33-14 thousand years ago), massive amounts of advancing ice bulldozed the shallows, making them uninhabitable, destroying the fossil evidence and forcing life into the deep sea. This makes the chances of finding fossils from these periods less intuitive and safer areas, and therefore the deep ocean will always be safer places to develop."
Dr Rowan Treecut, Polar Man of Science at BAS and author of the study said:
But the future may see a shift in temperature, but in this case we tend to seek out the coldest and most extreme habitats on Earth, conditions that would require primitive animals to face the moon and have advanced polar passage, as in the U.S. Helps in understanding. Organisms thrive under these extremes."
Story Source:
Materials provided by the British Antarctic Survey.
Note: Content has also been changed for vogue and length.
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